Summary: Follows some young Chinese Police Officer's in a little province town in China. I think this documentary was poorly edited. Apart from that it is the people you follow in the documentary, which gives you this secret insight into what it would be like in a small country town in China, and makes you feel how lucky you are being an Australian. Warning, a dog is killed in the documentary, and I found it a little disturbing. Seeing cops slap and kick people around for just stealing a phone. One of the sad experience, which was not about the movie, was listening to the audience laughing at other peoples expense, it was very in-humane and I just wondered if these people get it.
Pros: Makes you feel lucky to be living in Australia, and sad for people who aren't us lucky. A big reality check for what happens in the real world outside our comfort zone.
Cons: Seeing a dog being killed. Moments in the movie went too long for what they were worth, just bad editing, this documentary could have probably gone for betwenn 60 to 90 minutes.
MIFF link.
Rating: 1.5/5.
Probably a rare insight into rural China you won't see elsewhere with all the focus on China's cities and industrialisation. Good on you for outing people for their insensitivity at other people's suffering